Weekend Where The Heck Have You Been, Daniel?


Why is this article headlined with a picture of the amazingly fun Wrecking Ball from Overwatch? ‘Cause I said so, that’s why.

Instead of my standard Weekend Whatcha’ Playin’ I’d like to share some information on where I am right now with this blog, and what the future might hold for Home Button.

That’s right, it is time for one of those slightly dramatic blog posts from a blogger explaining their lack of content, likely when nobody has even noticed they have been gone.

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The Sunshine Blogger Award


I was nominated, quite surprisingly, by the wonderful Sarishboo for The Sunshine Blogger award.

While I just write about games, and certainly don’t inspire the type of positivity and joy she does, I’m honored to be recognized in this capacity!

The award itself is given by bloggers to other bloggers they find positive, inspiring, and creative. It helps to support blogs you love and the wonderful people who write them. Continue reading